Stress & Disease


For nearly 20 years I have been assisting client on their personal battles with disease and illness, and one single factor surfaces routinely. When clients are going through extremely stressful situations in their personal lives, the liklihood of either a disease or illness manifesting escalates dramatically. Adding to this, the medical profession is mandated that they must explain to the patient all of the possible dangers that can occurr prior to any medical procedure. Obviously this dramatically escalates the stress levels, which feeds additional fear into the conditions.

Stress is commonly referred to as the “silent killer’.Learning how to manage it is as difficult as trying to save the Titanic with a bucket. Stress has so many faces, and comes from so many different directions it is nearly impossible to learn how to manage it successfully,

The simple fact is, stress itself is not the problem, but rather the way you process it is truly the issue.
There are people that thrive on stress, deadlines and catastrophe. Yet for the majority of us stress can easily become a life threatening emotion.

Over the years, I have worked with clients that were faced with a wide range of diseases & illnesses. My methodology of dealing with these issues is based on the understanding that disease and illness is the manifestation of negative energy. It is the one commonality that all medical conditions share. They all possess a high level of negative energy.

A persons thoughts and thought processes have the propensity to either feed or starve the condition. Stress, being a negative emotion, dramatically escalates the severity of the issue.

By looking deeply into the physics of medical issues an effective approach to discovering the resolution becomes evident.

An important law in physics states, “Positive energy consumes negative energy”. Once this law is clearly understood, and its implications are clearly defined, healing becomes a natural course of events.

Beginning August 23rd, I will be hosting workshops monthly in a technique that have been proven time and time again to totally change one’s reactions to stress from a negative one to a totally positive one.
Stress can actually become positive influence on not only their lives, but their medical conditions as well.

My monthly Restructuring Stress workshop will be held at 66 Merrill Court, Bristol, CT 06010.

I am also available to conduct workshops at your location, throughout the New England areas.
Remember, it’s not the presence of stress that causes the problems, but rather your reactions to it.
Call today and discuss the simplicity of looking forward to stress.

Rev. Rod Kelly, BCH

Rev. Kelly is available for speaking engagements on this, or any other topic that appears on his blog page.

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