Cancer is feared globally by more people today than any other time in history. Regardless of all the modern medical advances nothing seems to curtail the expansion of its reign of terror on the populous of the world.
Hospitals everywhere are creating cancer centers to help deal with this death threat that hovers over the masses like the plagues of ancient times. Still the numbers grow daily.
It seems like every day the “experts” are constantly coming up with new causes they can blame for this explosion of toxicity.
In 1933 President FDR, in his inaugural speech stated, “The only thing to fear is fear itself!” Fear is the epitome of negativity. Everywhere you look, fear is not only present but boldly “in our face”!
When a cancer cell is placed under a microscope and the actual cell is analyzed, the cancer is comprised of negative energy. In fact, it is the essence of negativity. However, cancer isn’t the only disease that possesses this negativity. In fact this is a commonality of all diseases and illnesses. They are the coagulation of negative energies
Rev. Rod Kelly has been researching methods of managing disease and illness for nearly 20 years. His interest stemmed from his 7 year battle with a blood clotting issues. During this period hospitals became his second home. His surgeon became a close friend and on three separate occasions his battle to stay alive became grim, and he slipped over to the other side. But each time he came back with greater insights and understanding.
After suffering a debilitating stroke, it became evident that the medical profession ran out of options. There was nothing more that could be done. That was until he moved to Northern Ontario, and lived on a Native American Reservation. A short time later he became a student to a prominent James Bay Cree Elder. “Archie taught me how to connect with my own Higher-Self”, which was the key to unlocking the mysteries of his own medical issues. Through this journey inward his understandings of the healing processes flourished.
As his spiritual understanding increased he began working with other to help them overcome their medical issues. Cancer became the focus of his energies, and through his spiritual understandings, amazing results became routine.
“When you understand the cellular dynamics of the disease and how physics inter plays the complexities of it seems to diminish.”
This new understanding opened up a whole new world of understanding about ALL diseases. All diseases share the commonality of a negative cellular make up. Fear and negativity is the one constant in all diseases

When you learn to eliminate the fear of the disease you take away the life blood of it.
Only when you begin to understand that cancer need not be your enemy, that the true healing can begin.
Everything in the Universe has purpose. If something doesn’t have a purpose, it simply can’t exist. When the purpose for the disease is recognized, accepted and acted upon true healing begins naturally.
Allow nature to begin your true healing process.
For more information on this insight, please contact Rev. Rod Kelly directly at : or 860-216-8671