Understanding the Indigo Issues
There is a lot of information on the net about the positive attributes of Indigo children.
But what happens when one of the gifted children or young adults experience these amazing insights and understandings while dealing with low self-esteem issues?
The feelings of separation and difference can easily trigger emotions that are far from beneficial.
Because of their typical high intelligence they commonly assess what schools offer as having little or no value. This can easily lead to picking up an attitude of indifference, or perhaps even defiance. Often this leads to their being place in Special Ed programs and being labeled as A.D.D. or A.D.H.D.
These erroneous labels only increases their feelings of isolationism, and intensifies their low self-esteem issues. They often believe they are defective.
For a great number this can easily lead to self-medication. It is not uncommon for one of these gifted youths to become immersed in opiates like heroin or oxycodone.
The need to fit in and mask their differences becomes so overly dominant that all other needs fade into oblivion.
Accepting Their Differences
At Heal the Mind Body we have been working with Indigo Children for a over 15 years, and have found a simplistic approach that has proven to be effective in shifting & clarifying the paths of these amazing young people.
Once they have gained an understanding of why they felt so different , their impressions of themselves often shifts into a more promising direction.
Through understanding their differences they often accept and embrace their uniqueness, and go on to lead a more promising future.
After an initial assessment of their gifts they are encouraged to join in on monthly group sessions with other Indigo Children at our Bristol, CT office.
Group session will begin Feb. 20th, at 10:AM
These group sessions focus on adjusting to the shift in acceptance, attitudes and future possibilities of these amazing children that are here to lead us into a more promising future.
For more information:
Contact Rev. Rodney Kelly directly,
66 Merrill Court
Bristol, CT 06010