How Thoughts Impact Medical Conditions


Our thoughts play a huge role in our battle against disease and illness. They can have either one of two effects on our medical condition:

  • They can either feed the condition
  • or they can starve it.

When looking at the cells of any disease you discover that they all have one  commonality. The cells all have a negative polarity.   Disease is comprised of the coagulation of negative energies. Because of this they have a specific tendency.  The condition need to have a continual flow of negativity in order to continue existing. Negativity is the life blood of all disease & illness. The greatest source of negativity that feed the condition is our thoughts.

Our normal thoughts about our condition provides an excellent reservoir of negativity.  Even the thoughts of our friends and loved ones have an impact on our medical issues Their concerns about your health are generally sincere. However the delivery of their concerns often provide an extremely unproductive impact on the condition.

The vast majority of the normal emotions that are expressed or implied have a negative core. Emotions such as:

  • grief
  • pity
  • sorrow
  • worry
  • and a whole lot more are all teaming with negativity.

Its really important that people understand the impact that all of these beautifully based emotions actually infuse the opposite impact of what was intended. All of these negative cored emotions actually feed the negative condition and encourage the growth of the issue.

If negative thoughts feed the condition, it only makes sense that positive thoughts would deprive the condition of its life-blood. In effect, positive thoughts have the propensity to starve the condition.

The question becomes how do we take the negativity away from our concerns? Once again, it comes down to simply analyzing the emotions that we are feeling about the person and the condition. Are they fear based?

Typically we view the medical condition with total disdain. We resent it; we get angry at it; it scares us, and a whole lot more. Our perceptions are based on our fear of the condition.  That fear is based on our total lack of understanding of the condition.  We have these thoughts because we neither see any redeeming  benefits nor do we have any real understanding of what the condition actually is.

We need to look for and at the actual core of the condition. What created the condition and what permitted it to grow?  All of the things that we believe were the cause of the condition are only contributing factors that exacerbated the problem.

Behind every effect is a cause. The negative effect of the condition is based on a negative perceptions of it. All things that exist were created with and for a purpose.  When our thoughts of that purpose are negative it can only have a negative impact on the issue.

Most events that come into our lives that seem to have a negative impact actually come into our lives for an entirely different reason than we expect. Most perceived negative events come into our life come to teach us.  They come to us in the forms of lessons that need to be learned from. When the lessons are ignored the severity of the teachings intensify.  When the lesson reached a diseased level, the urgency of the teaching becomes paramount.

As a board certified consulting hypnotist, Rev. Rod Kelly is trained to delve deeply into the subconscious  mind to uncover precisely what that lesson truly is. Through the assistance of the Higher-Self the lessons often become clearly understood, and the proper adjustments in the belief systems can easily become routine.

Once the lesson becomes learned and internalized the elimination of the condition can become manifested.

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