The Free Masons established The Grand Council of the Rose Croix under the direction of Sir Francis Bacon which later became recognized as the Rosicrucian. In 1694 they established the first chapter in the United States in Philadelphia.
The first time I became aware of the organization was in February of 1970 when a member of high standing appeared on the “Tomorrow People Show”, which aired at 2:00 AM in Canada. On this one particular early morning their guest speaker was a highly advanced member of The Rosicrucian Order, which at that time was steeped in secrecy.

The topic which was being discussed dealt with healing through natural means. The guest made a statement that etched itself deep in my mind for nearly 45 years. That statement was, “Humanity will never learn to heal itself until it learns how to heal the Human Aura.” That is a direct quote. I memorized those words verbatim, and that was 45 years ago.
Eventually my curiosities got the best of me, and I became a member of the Rosicrucian Order. Regional meetings were held in the Masonic Lodges. As a member I would receive weekly lessons bringing me through a series of levels & degrees. I believe their teachings gave me a rock-solid base for future knowledge. It opened my eyes to a whole new world of understandings.
It wasn’t until nearly 25 years later that I began to grasp the magnitude of the effectiveness of working with the aura.
At 49 I began a medical battle that encompassed the next 7 years of my life. By the end of the seven years I had endured 7 major surgeries (including two open-heart procedures); 2 pulmonary embolisms; & a debilitating stroke. During that period I had also hospitalized 38 times for extended periods, and had a total of 3 near death experiences. Somehow I had managed to survive this grueling journey. However, it wasn’t until I was informed that the medical profession had run out of options. There was nothing more they could do stop the deadly threats on my very existence.
I had been brought up to understand that the only way to fail was to quit, and that was not about to happen. My journey into spiritual understandings had begun, and I came to realize that the 7 year period served as my 7 years of initiation into a world of understanding the ways of my ancestors.
My true Spiritual Journey brought me to the fringes of the wilderness in Northern Ontario, and I soon found my way to living on a Native American Reservation, where I became a student of Archie Cheechoo, who was highly respected James Bay Cree Elder. He brought me under his wing, and taught me how to connect with the Spirit of my own Higher-Self.
After two years of living with and training under Archie, he presented me with an ancient Celtic shaman’s bowl that dated back some 350 to 400 years, and I became welcomed into an elite group of Spiritual Elders know at the “Pipe Carriers”. My duties would be carry the lessons of my ancestors forward to help the future generations understand the simplicity , and complexities of nature. It was at that time that I understood who I truly was, and my connection to the Spirit World.

My first task was to learn how to heal myself. For the next two years my understanding of the importance of listening to my own instincts became paramount. Through them I learned the ancient techniques of connecting with the forces of Nature. Through this connection total healing became simplified, and by body strengthened and total healing became assured.
Instinctively I had mastered the technique of healing my own Aura. I began teaching the techniques to others through the simplicity of Nature, itself. The bed & breakfast that I owned evolved into a retreat & wellness center, and the word spread.
The techniques that I employed seemed to have amazing impacts on a wide range of medical & emotional issues. Through my connection with my own Higher-Self & the Spirits of my Ancestors, I had unlocked the ancient mysteries. I had learned the simplicity of totally healing the human aura.
I finally solved the mystery that was posed by the Free Masons & The Rosicrucians in that single TV program some 45 years before.
“Humanity will never learn to heal itself until it learns how to heal the Human Aura.”
Learning the ancient art of Self-Healing begins with healing the aura. The technique is easy to learn & even easier to practice. The problems of the future are often solved by the teaching of the past.
I currently conduct workshops and courses in advanced healing techniques that are based on positive results. For more information please contact Rev. Rod Kelly, BCH @ 860-216-8671 or